Thursday 14 May 2009

Lesson 7: 4th Position

My lesson yesterday was great fun once again! I learnt 4th position - comfortable, easy to find. Can't complain! I also got a new book, with loads of new pieces. It is less 'friendly' than my 1st book, but is more aimed at adults, and moves faster and has longer pieces. I have 3 to get going with, which all move between 1st and 4th position. I am also practising G Major with 2 octaves and C Major with 3 octaves. Or something like that, I can't quite remember!

The most interesting thing that I learned in the lesson was how to use the full length of the bow. When you do that it sounds so much better; much less weedy and more confident. It made a huge difference to the sound of the piece and I am looking forward to experimenting with it while I practise.

I was really pleased when my teacher said that the pieces I am playing are Grade 2 standard. I am not bothered about taking exams, but it is nice to know what level you are playing at in a measureable way!

With a whole book to work from, I am really looking forward to getting back into moving through it at my own pace. Having only one piece at a time was good to make me concentrate on what it sounded like, but I like to be able to learn a few things at a time.

Speaking of which, I am off to play!

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