Wednesday 2 September 2009

Back to earth...

Finally, my dissertation is finished. It's at the binders, and I am handing it in on Friday. Phew. It has been a long summer, and a very enjoyable one, but I am looking forward to getting back to normal life.

I just picked up my cello today to play for the first time in 2 weeks. I had been putting it off, because I couldn't face spending any more time in my study that I already was, and as such I approached it with some trepidation! I was worried that I would have forgotten everything, and it would sound horrible. It did take me a few minutes to refamiliarise myself with the stuff I had been working on, but once I got into it, I'm sure it sounded just the same as before!

My fingers have lost a bit of their strength unfortunately, and my arms ache a bit now. It's amazing how quickly it all goes. I am looking forward to a practise tomorrow, I'm going to go over some old stuff and see how it feels.

Glad to be back.

Friday 26 June 2009

Lesson 10: New book

I had my lesson on wednesday afternoon. Having it at 5pm instead of 4 has meant that my teacher always goes on for way longer than half an hour, which is really good for me, but I feel a bit guilty, but i don't wear a watch so i don't know what time the lesson should finish when i am there, i always just realise afterwards that we have gone way over time. I hope it's okay with him.

Anyway the lesson was good, but at the moment I feel we have done more or less the same thing every lesson for the last 3 lessons, so it doesn't feel like there's much variation. However, I do have a new book to work from (which looks amazing): "Playing the Cello" by Hugo Cole and Anna Shuttleworth. It's British which, to be honest, I really prefer compared the the American book I have been using before which calls everything half notes and quarter notes instead of crotchets and minimes etc. It was confusing reading one name for a note and having my teacher use another. And I prefer the British tone of the book!

Hopefully the new book will give us something new to work from in the lessons. Also I explained how difficult I am finding it to keep a rhythm so we are going to work on duets in lessons which will be fun!

Anyway less talking about cello and more playing to be done - I am off to crack out the new book!

Wednesday 24 June 2009

A little history lesson...

Unrelated to cello, but incredibly interesting:

A few facts about living in Britain in the 1500s

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odour. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water..

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying It's raining cats and dogs.

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house.. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, Dirt poor. The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of woo d was placed in the entrance way Hence the saying a thresh hold.

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat.. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old..

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, bring home the bacon. They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat..

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust.

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days.. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake.

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be saved by the bell or was considered a dead ringer.

A friend sent this to me, no idea where it came from, but it's so interesting!

Sunday 14 June 2009

Sore thumbs...

After being oh so pleased with myself for my hour of practise on friday, I woke up on saturday with a SORE left thumb. I don't think it hurt while I was playing, although I did feel a bit achey afterwards. It was seriously painful until about lunchtime today, but has subsided almost completely since.

I am thinking that I will leave it until tomorrow to try playing again and see how it feels. If bad, I will have to cancel my lesson on Thursday.

*sad face*

Friday 12 June 2009

Simple things...

My teacher suggested that I try slurring the scales while I was playing them, two notes at a time. It took me a little bit to get the hang of it, but it is surprisingly fun!

I just did an hour of practise, and a good half of it was spent on scales. Then I started being silly and playing the entire scale up and down on one bow as fast as I could. Fun game, but probably not the point of the exercise...

Thursday 11 June 2009

Explanation for the name of this blog

When I started playing my husband bought me this tshirt as a present from It is hilarious, and it made my cello teacher laugh a lot when i (accidentally) wore it to my lesson! There was also an amazing one that said "say cello to my little friend", but it was more gruesome that this one!

I also like "i'd rather be playing the cello" a lot:

But you can't go wrong with "I'll be Bach" (said in the Govenor of California's accent, obv)!:

other funny cello things at

Punk music is a joke, it's really just Baroque

@fddlgrl posted this on Twitter today, and I had to put it here because it made me laugh. Lots. As I said to @fddlgrl, this piece has BAD OMEN written all over it. It reminds me of divorce and funerals.

Having said that, I was pleased when I could play it after only playing cello for about a month (which kind of just confirms what this guy is saying...!).

"Punk music is a joke, it's really just Baroque"

Lesson 9? 10?

No idea whether yesterday was my 9th or 10th lesson (I hope 9th or I need to start saving for lessons again)..

I explained my confusion with the whole key signature/when to do extensions/not really understanding music conundrum. My teacher was partly reassuring - he said to not worry about it for now, and just play up the the place in the book that I can do, and make sure I am confident with what I am doing. The book we are working from apparently moves very quickly, and assumes that you have prior music theory knowledge - i think it's basically a book designed for adult leaners playing cello as a second instrument.

Which is all fine and good but I am going to need to learn it at some point, and it is frustrating me that I am (in theory) able to play things, I just don't know how they need to be played.

I think I need to stop being impatient with myself, and remember that learning to read music is all part of the learning experience! I have a bad habit of always wanting to do the next thing, but I need to consolidate what I already know.

So, a week of consolidation lays ahead of me!

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Bow Grip update

Forgot to mention - I have completely and totally changed my bow hold. I knew it was really wrong before, but I just wanted to play, but in lesson 8 my teacher suggested we do something about it. It now resembles slightly more a proper grip, and I am pleased with it for now. It has made all the notes sound smoother somehow, less strained, and has given me much more flexibility in my wrist so I can play the whole length of the bow.

Will double check it again with my teacher tomorrow.

A long break! (not from cello though!)

I can't believe the last time i wrote was 14th may. ever since I started my dissertation, things have been crazy busy, and I haven't had time to write. I have however had time to practise, and things are going well. I was inspired to post today after reading @Michael_Tuchman's blog, and decided that I would review what I had been doing recently.

Since lesson 7 I have had 2 more lessons. Both of them were lovely, as usual. My cello teacher and I are getting quite friendly, which has made me slightly less apprehensive before I go into lessons.

I am currently playing a few things:
  • Every now and again I am playing a few pieces in 4th position. They are easy to play, yet they sound so horrible! Going to keep going back to those.
  • I am also playing 2 long pieces (much longer than usual) which I am enjoying, but am finding a struggle to get through the whole thing before my left thumb starts to ache. I also find it difficult to play something wrong and keep going, so have started tackling one line at a time which is helping loads.
  • I am having real trouble with pieces with complicated key signatures. I can (sort of) do extensions, but I have no idea when I should be doing them. I think the problem there is a fundamental lack of any knowledge of music theory, and it is holding me back.
So in my lesson tomorrow I am going to talk to my teacher about what the hell any of those key signatures mean, and ask him to give me a music reading lesson. Until I get that sorted I pretty much can't play anything else in the book, so I really need to figure it out.

I might get a book on music theory too, but not sure what type of thing I need.

Will update after my lesson tomorrow.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Lesson 7: 4th Position

My lesson yesterday was great fun once again! I learnt 4th position - comfortable, easy to find. Can't complain! I also got a new book, with loads of new pieces. It is less 'friendly' than my 1st book, but is more aimed at adults, and moves faster and has longer pieces. I have 3 to get going with, which all move between 1st and 4th position. I am also practising G Major with 2 octaves and C Major with 3 octaves. Or something like that, I can't quite remember!

The most interesting thing that I learned in the lesson was how to use the full length of the bow. When you do that it sounds so much better; much less weedy and more confident. It made a huge difference to the sound of the piece and I am looking forward to experimenting with it while I practise.

I was really pleased when my teacher said that the pieces I am playing are Grade 2 standard. I am not bothered about taking exams, but it is nice to know what level you are playing at in a measureable way!

With a whole book to work from, I am really looking forward to getting back into moving through it at my own pace. Having only one piece at a time was good to make me concentrate on what it sounded like, but I like to be able to learn a few things at a time.

Speaking of which, I am off to play!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

lesson 6: extensions

So, today I had my 6th lesson, and although I hadn't done very much practise this week, my teacher seemed surprisingly pleased! He said my ability to play a piece sightreading for the first time was "very promising" - wow, I feel really good! The extensions were fine, although not that easy really, but apparently I will get the hang of them. I am currently finding them awkward and I don't yet feel comfortable moving my hand that much, I feel all lost unless I am in first position!

Also this week I played Phantom of the Opera for the first time. It's so much fun (and really easy)! I haven't yet tried playing along with the CD but i am really looking forward to doing that. I also went to Dave Mann, a music shop about 5 minutes from my house to pick up my cello stand and played about on their double bass. It was so much fun, they are so deep! I am definitely going to get myself one of those when I have a big enough house! But right now I am more than happy with the cello, and have no aspirations beyond learning my piece for next week.

For next week I am doing a piece called Tanz (Bach), and continuing to work on Gavotte and Poloniase from last week. I am enjoying them, but I feel like I could do with a new book so I can move at my own speed. However, as my teacher said, i don't want to get ahead of myself, and it's nice to have a piece you can play well. So that's my plan - play well! Then I can get a new book...

Friday 1 May 2009

Lesson 5: pachelbel and gavotte

I know that I should be writing my essay right about now, so this is going to be a short update of how things have been going. I am much too busy with uni work at the moment to write too much on here which is a shame because lots of fun things have been happening in the world of my cello.

I finally have decided on a name for her, for a start. Ursula it is. Love that name (and Ursula le Guin), and it has started to sound right! Phew, glad that's decided because obviously it is impossible to play an instrument without anthropomorphising it as much as is realistically possible.

I am really enjoying playing Pachelbel at last. It it starting to sound.... presentable?? No, not presentable, but I think if someone knew the piece, and heard me playing it, they would recognise it. I am also enjoying playing Gavotte by Handel, but am finding Poloniase (Bach) Hard Work. It sounded so great when my teacher played it though, so I will perservere.

Bow hold is no longer causing me any pain, but now my left thumb is starting to ache, so I think I need to stop gripping the neck as tight. Also getting pins and needles in my bum all the time from the chair I use and back and neck are aching loads from essay writing. This instrument is slowly killing me, I swear.

However, it is my birthday on Sunday, and for my birthday I am receiving:
  • cello lessons (from parents as I can't afford them)
  • cello stand (from thomas as Ursula doesn't appreciate being leant against a book case)
  • stool (from thom's parents to stop my bum ache)
  • some new music (from a friend)
So it is a cello themed 24th birthday in store for me! yayyy!!

Thursday 23 April 2009

lesson 4: for free!

i had my fourth lesson yesterday. My teacher phoned me earlier int he day and warned me tthat he was ing to be busy, but I can't go any other days (essay due friday) so i went along anyway. He was very busy, so i only saw him for a few minutes, and he said he wouldn't charge me which was nice of him.

i had a chance to ask 4 questions, play a small amount and get some new music. it was definitely worth the walk up the hill because there were a few things i had been doing wrong!

my 4 questions (my teacher's answers)
  1. if there are no markings telling you which direction the bow should be going in, how do you know if it is an up bow or a down bow? alternate, unless it says otherwise. which makes a lot of sense, but for some reason that didn't occur to me! It seems so obvious now i know!
  2. Why would you play an A on the D string, instead of just playing the A string? you wouldn't. it's a totally pointless exercise at this stage, so unless it is easier to do it that way, just play the A string.
  3. Should you move your left hand when playing flats? those are extensions, and we will talk about those another time.
  4. My bow grip is horrible, what should I do about it? Play open strings and scales and when you do, really think about how you should be holding the bow. if you do that often enough you will start adopting it in your normal playing.
So those were my questions. Bear in mind that i am NOT offering this as advice to anyone, it is just what my teacher told me at the time, and in my case this is what he suggested.

I also got 3 new pieces of music. 2 Bach pieces, and a Handel piece called Gavotte which is the easiest one. It's really fun to play, I am going to try to get it presentable for my lesson next week. We are also going to play Pachelbel's Canon as a duet. I can't wait for my first proper lesson in weeks!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Finished the Book!

Woop Woop! I have finished Strictly Strings book 1! By finished, I mean struggled a bit through the last song (Pachelbel's Canon in D), which sounds a bit grim but nonetheless, it is finished! It took me exactly one month since I started playing (as I finished it on saturday). Not that it was a race!

I am pleased with my progress so far, and really enjoyed using the book. I would definitely recommend it to a complete beginner like me, as it slowly takes you through every element of playing and reading music. The songs are fun, popular enough to be recognisable to pretty much everyone, but challenging and varied enough that they are not boring.

My next lesson is 1 week tomorrow, so I think I will spend the next few days consolidating what I have been learning, and polishing up a couple of pieces to play for my teacher. He usually asks me to play something I am confident with, and then will suggest something else for me to play. I will choose something that I find quite hard to play, and see what he thinks. I imagine that it will be more beneficial if I do that!

Anyway I am off to practise!

Monday 13 April 2009

Amazon Rank

I know it's not cello related, but this is annoying me so much I have to link this!

Amazon is removing the sales rankings from all books it considers to have 'adult' material.

not only gay and lesbian books, but gender theory, feminist theory, biographies of gay people (stephen fry! seriously!), parenting books for gay couples, sex guides for anyone not straight, male and able bodied... because of the 'adult' content. but they leave up playboy picture books, 'the parents guide to preventing homosexuality', and dog fighting magazines. ugh.

Thursday 9 April 2009

New music?

Finally I am beginning to enjoy the bow! Although my shoulder and arm is aching from playing for a long time yesterday evening. Maybe I need to start warming up before I play.

It is difficult learning to find the new position on the strings, I feel like I am not confident enough to go as far as I need to to get the note right, because I find it difficult to move my hand back up to the first position. Although I imagine that over time it will become easier as I learn how it feels. It does amaze me how far you need to move though, it seems like a much bigger distance than closer to the top of the neck. And now I think about it, aren't guitars like that? I wonder why that would be?? I will ask my engineering husband!

I love how relaxing I find it when I play now with the bow. It is hard work, but really doesn't feel like it. I am writing essay at the moment for my masters course, but at the end of a day writing essays it is so enjoyable to sit down and play for an hour.

It's my birthday in a month, I am going to get myself some new music to play just for fun while I work on the stuff for my lessons. I need something really easy, but with slightly more difficult parts that I can work towards. I wonder if Phantom of the Opera is easy enough?

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Moving on: C natural and other adventures!

I have built up my bowing stamina, I can now play for a full hour!

Yesterday I moved on to the next section of the book which requires shifting the left hand instead of changing strings (have no idea what the technical term for that is, I will just call it shifting!). The book is good as it guides you really slowly into moving your hand, and you can go back through the book from the beginning playing it while shifting your hand instead of moving up a string. My plan for today's practise is to go back through the book, so I can slowly learn where the notes are. Then I will move onto the next section of the book and then there are only a few pages left!

Finally towards the end of the practise I learnt C natural, as up until now I have been playing C sharp. For some reason, playing with my second finger seems very strange after always playing with the 3rd. My second finger hasn't built up any thick skin either so I am back to square one on that front!

It was a lot to learn in one day, so today I am going to consolidate by going over what I did yesterday before playing anything new. The final song in the book is Pachelbel's Canon in D which I am really looking forward to playing. Only a few more pages in the book until I get there!

Sunday 5 April 2009

Uh Oh...

One of the fine tuners on my cello has snapped off! Don't hve any clue how this happened, but engineer husband reckons that it was low quality metal and so had some fatigue. I was turning it and it felt quite stiff, and suddenly snapped off in my hands. It's the g string tuner, which is one of the easier strings to tune so at least i can keep playing until my next lesson. Going to have to give the cello back to my teacher I think. He is not going to be impressed..

All in all, this cello has been a total nightmare. I do feel bad for her, as she is really suffering with such a clumsy first owner, but she is not exactly very robust and I am not doing anything any other beginner wouldn't be doing, I don't think!

Seriously, when it comes to thinking about getting my own cello I think I would rather rent for ages and get a really good quality cello when I can afford one rather than buy one as soon as I can afford it, and get a lower quality instrument. I rent from my teacher, and he said any money I pay on rental I can have off the final price of the cello I rent, but I am not sure about this cello.. I feel worried it's going to fall apart all the time! But on the other hand I have absolutely no spare moeny to save up for any cello, let alone a good one! Well, I have ages to think about that so I'll wait and see.

With respect to practise, things are going a-okay. well, definitely okay anyway. My thumb hurts less and I am able to concentrate on what my left hand is doing as well as my right hand. Up until now I had been totally ignoring my left hand while bowing! I need to get a better seat for playing though, as I don't have any that are really the right height at the moment and I feel all scrunched up.

Speaking of which, I have a spare half hour so I am off the practise!

Thursday 2 April 2009

A busy week..

It's been a busy week, spending the weekend in Dorset and training at work for the last few days. As such I have been dipping in and out of cello but haven't had much ongoing structured practise. In addition, my hand is still aching when I play for more than 15 minutes at a time which has been frustrating, and limited me a lot. If I have a spare hour, I can't sit down and play for as long as I want, and I have to let my thumb rest. I often don't have much spare time later in the day to play again when my hand has stopped aching.

Well, slowly it's getting better. It is starting to sound way better too. I have been unstructured in my practise, and have been skipping from page to page and missing out bits which is probably slowing down my progress. Today I am planning a proper session of slowly going through every part of the book I've gotten up to until now, and trying to play everything through without mistakes at least once.

Let's see how it goes!

Thursday 26 March 2009

Thumb pain!

Owwwwwww Just played for 40mins and my thumb feels as weak as anything. I am definitely getting the hang of it though, I sort of get what I am supposed to be doing. Sometimes the sound is alright, and I can just about get through a few lines of music without it starting to slide into awfulness again. So things are sounding promising, and I feel better than I did last night.

I have another lecture in an hour so really cannot afford to abuse it any more! I will play again when I finish for the day at 5pm.

It amazes me how much there is to learn when playing the cello: left hand doing one thing, right hand doing something completely different. Both of them contorted into strange new shapes. Arms aching from sticking out everywhere and my poor back not used to sitting up straight for so long at a time!

When I played the flute years ago, all you had to do was learn how to shape your mouth right, and get your fingers in the right place and you could at least play a basic tune. String instruments seem so complicated in comparison. But I wouldn't have started playing if I hadn't wanted a challenge, so I am going to stop complaining and start improving!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Lesson 3: I got my bow

My lesson this afternoon was a funny one. I got my bow (yay!) but I am finding it reallllly difficult to hold right at the moment, and my thumb hurts (boo). My lesson was supposed to be 4pm-4.30pm but the student after me didn't turn up for his lesson so I got a full hour (yay!) but both me and my teacher were super sleepy and the room was so warm we were both really drowsy (boo). Hilariously, I actually think my teacher dropped off for about half a second mid-sentemce, and then kept on talking as though nothing had happened. Hahaha ohhhh dear.

Anyway he said I was doing well with my left hand stuff, and so I could have my bow! Very exciting, I practised looooaaaads this week to make sure that he would be happy giving me the bow.

Total anti-climax. I can't even hold it properly yet. It is ridiculously uncomfortable, and sounds horrendous! I guess for some reason in my mind I figured that I would be able to play all the stuff I had been playing pizzicato right away with the bow. No. Definitely not. So I am feeling a little discouraged right now. Unfortunately, realising how unrealistic my bow-related expectations were has not made me feel any less disappointed.

But tomorrow is another day etc and I am already making slightly less gut-wrenchingly gruesome squawks with it, so I will stick with it!

No more lesson until 22nd April so I have ages to work on my technique. I am also going to confer with a cello-playing friend and get him to tell me if I am doing it right after I have had a bit of practise. We shall see..

Quick post

Just got back from job no.2 so just a quick post before bed. Lesson tomorrow. Practised for nearly an hour today, but I am still pretty sure that I will make a million mistakes in my lesson tomorrow as I keep making different mistakes in different pieces of music. Plus it still sounds terrible.

How long will it be until it starts sounding nice? Weeks, months, years?

But, I get my bow tomorrow for the first time. Yaaayyyyy!!

Monday 23 March 2009

What should I call her?

I have no idea. Part of me thinks that maybe she isn't a she, which is why I am having trouble naming her. But I am pretty sure she is. These are some of the names I like:

Rosa - rose
Bertha - famous/bright
Simone - listening
Olympe - from Mount Olympus
Eponine - horse goddess
Pearl - obvious
Ursula - little bear
Zoelie/Zooey - life

I am pretty sure she's not a Zooey. And Pearl doesn't fit quite right. I think Ursula is great, and Rosa is lovely (and she could be named after Rosa Luxembourg!). Eponine is so sweet, but maybe a better name for a smaller instrument?? I like the meaning of Simone, and would be a lovely homage to Simone de Beauvoir but not sure about the sound of the name itself. Bertha was suggested by a friend, and at first I really liked it, but when I looked at her again I wasn't sure. Olympe is an amazing name, but quite hard to make sound nice unless you have a French accent!

So the choice at the moment is Ursula or Rosa.

I am currently leaning towards Ursula...

Sunday 22 March 2009

Weekend practise

This weekend has been busy and fun, and I managed to fit in a good 3 hours of cello-ing (celling?) in the meantime.

After my lesson on friday I played for ages, I was so happy to have her back! I had to stop when my fingers started to hurt, but I managed to play for a full hour, even after a half hour lesson. My fingers are beginning to becom proper cellist's fingers!

Saturday was such a beautiful day, I spent it sitting in the park with the dogs. A man had bought his guitar along and was playing it on the grass. It looked like a lot of fun (if not slightly arrogant as he wasn't great), and it occured to me how much more portable guitars are than cellos! Or at least, my shoulders are not used to carrying cellos around yet.

I had a few drinks on saturday afternoon and then came home and played cello for an hour in a gin and tonic haze. Which I know sounds very irresponsible, but you know there is the optimum amount of alcohol where you suddenly become better at stuff? Like in Guitar Hero, I always get my best scores after a drink or two? Well, I managed to play more stuff from start to finish with no mistakes in this practise than ever before. Coincidence? I think not.

A more conventional practise today (Sunday) means I have now moved on to playing on the G String. This is pretty exciting, as I love the deepest notes of the cello. I am enjoying playing a German folk song, and there is a Russian folk song on the next page which I am looking forward to playing too. I like them because they are quick and fun, and so far have quite simple rhythms.

Speaking of rhythm, I am finding it really difficult to play anything but 4/4 time. I seriously cannot do 3/4 at all. It feels very weird, I think I need to talk to my teacher about how to count it as at the moment my counting seems to go "1 and 2 and 3 and... dammit!". Must remember to do that on wednesday.

Friday 20 March 2009

Second lesson, cello is back!

She's back! yayy!!

I was really excited about heading to my lesson this morning. For the first part of the lesson, my teacher just taught me how to twist the pegs to tune the cello. It is quite tough but he recommended that I practise and slowly turn the pegs until I feel more confident.

We played through a few of the tunes in the book, and I was pleased with how it sounded (the sound is slowly getting better), and my teacher seemed pleased too. We also worked through parts of the rest of the book, and started playing on the G string, which sounds niiiiice. It was a lovely lesson, and I am really happy with how things are going, and also relieved that I get on well with my teacher. He is such a nice man, and very patient. It must be horrible teaching absolute beginners, but he's very encouraging!

However, I stilllll don't get a bow! Not until next week, so I will practise practise practise to make sure that he is happy to start doing bow work next week. I have done an hour this afternoon already, and already got up to the part in the book he wanted me to get to. I can now play G, and low A, B and C sharp. Now I just need to get it to sound nice!

Thursday 19 March 2009


cello lesson at 12.30 tomorrow, I am excited! but mainly excited about getting my cello back!

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

People keep asking me..

...Why do you want to play the cello?

It's strange, no one would ever ask why you wanted to play guitar, or drums or even violin.

But anyway, in order to clear this up, I want to play because it is a lovvvvvely instrument. Plus it's big, and I want to play a big instrument and sousaphone teachers are hard to come by! Heh heh.

Seriously though, I have wanted to play the cello since my parents first asked me what instrument I wanted to play at the age of 8. It was big and made a lovely noise, and I really liked deep, low parts in music. But they said it was too big (they are right), and so I suggested bagpipes. Again no. So flute it was, as I already played recorder. So I never really enjoyed the flute, played for a few years, and quit when I was about 14.

My parents said that I would regret stopping when I was older, but I never did.

So now 9 years later I suddenly decided it was time to start playing an instrument again. And now I have my own house I get to decide what is too big, and cellos are NOT! (Double Basses are though, phew they are big)

So that was the story of my journey to the cello!

She's having a check up..

I phoned my teacher yesterday to ask him what I should do. I was so worried about about breaking something I hadn't touched her since saturday. he said I was probably just worrying about nothing and I just didn't have the knack for tuning, and I wasn't the first person to phone him in a panic! He told me to drop the cello off at his office and he would have a look. It was very comforting, and suddenly I had a funny feeling I had overreacted somewhat...

I immediately went and got her out and lo and behold the strings were still taut, I tuned her a teeny bit and played for half an hour (minus the A string!).

I dropped her off at the High School later that morning and felt very sad. I have started to anthropomorphise her and suddenly a non-gendered object had become a 'she' in need of a name!

Well, I will have her back on friday and in the mean time I can think of a name for her. Fingers crossed she's all okay!

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

And here she is.

spot the sleeping greyhound!

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Saturday 14 March 2009

Today I Killed a Cello

Oh dear.

Disaster struck today! I broke 2 strings (A and D). I don't even know how I did it! It was out of tune when I got up this morning (as usual), so started to tune it. The D string broke as I was tightening it. I figured that these things happen, so went and bought another string (£7.50 - pricey!), and replaced it. Just started tuning it again and the A string broke!

I am so worried that I am going to destroy it, that I just don't want to go anywhere near it again. I don't think I am over tightening it, but maybe I am. I just don't know.

So I haven't played today, and I am just going to leave it until I can call my teacher on Monday and find out what has happened.

This is so disheartening. Poor cello.

Friday 13 March 2009

Tuning Issues

Same problem with the strings this morning - they were completely loose again!

Decided to go out and buy an electronic tuner to help me tune it properly. A guitar-playing friend helped me tune it, and although it took a while it sounded really good! I had a long practise session and got up to page 18 in the book, which is where it starts making you read the music properly instead of giving you the names of the notes. I am taking a while to get the hang of it, but I can just about remember all the names of the notes while remembering where my fingers should be!

Something I found really helpful was playing each note into the tuner to get the right positioning for my fingers. I had been playing with them too close together for the last couple of days, and with the cello in tune and playing into the tuner it was much easier to figure out where I should be placing my fingers on the strings.

Hopefully this will sort out some of my tuning issues!

Thursday 12 March 2009

Painful fingers!

I got downstairs this morning to discover the D and G strings of my cello had become almost completely slack.. Hmmmm. I tightened them back up, which was surprisingly difficult. I got them a bit more taut in the end but it sounded horrible!

I was worried about overtightening the strings without knowing what I was doing so I just played the cello as it was that day. It sounded pretty grim, but I managed to get up to page 12 in the book, and now know how (theoretically) to play the notes D, E, F sharp, G, A, B, C sharp and D! My fingers were still sore so I was only able to play for about 15 minutes at a time. However, my teacher suggested "little and often" was the best way so I am not too worried.

I can now play Au Clair de la Lune and Hot Cross Buns - wowweee! I can also play the D Major scale. I had to stop this evening as my fingers hurt, but the next page is a whole page of new songs, including Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Incredible!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

My first cello lesson

I left the house at 3.30pm today. I walked up the hill to the High School for my cello lesson at 4pm, and I arrived early, nervous, and sweaty. The High School was traumatic! A mess of teenage boys in blazers getting ready to head home for the day. Thankfully I found the room with relative ease, and waited.

The student before me finished on time, and I was greeted by a lovely man - Tony, my cello teacher. He had a beard which always makes me like someone, and he was friendly and seemed a little shy, which made me like him even more. THEN he introduced me to my very own (rented) cello! It is a brand new student grade full size cello, and, to my novice eye, very pretty.

The lesson seemed to fly by as we raced through the first half of a beginners book. I seemed to spend more time talking than playing! I wasn't allowed to use the bow yet so it was pizzicato all the way - which I now know is just a nicely Italian way of saying 'plucking'. The lesson was hard work, my fingers hurt so much by the end of the half an hour lesson that I was glad to stop, even though I wanted to keep playing. You have to push the strings down so hard! My fingers still hurt now!

So at the end of the lesson, I was sent home with a heavy cello on my back (but still no bow!) and 20 pages of the book to get through by my lesson next week.

Despite my painful fingers, I can't wait to get going :D