Saturday 14 March 2009

Today I Killed a Cello

Oh dear.

Disaster struck today! I broke 2 strings (A and D). I don't even know how I did it! It was out of tune when I got up this morning (as usual), so started to tune it. The D string broke as I was tightening it. I figured that these things happen, so went and bought another string (£7.50 - pricey!), and replaced it. Just started tuning it again and the A string broke!

I am so worried that I am going to destroy it, that I just don't want to go anywhere near it again. I don't think I am over tightening it, but maybe I am. I just don't know.

So I haven't played today, and I am just going to leave it until I can call my teacher on Monday and find out what has happened.

This is so disheartening. Poor cello.

1 comment:

  1. One tip I learned from my shop - always loosen the string a bit first before tightening it. They will be less likely to break.
