Monday 23 March 2009

What should I call her?

I have no idea. Part of me thinks that maybe she isn't a she, which is why I am having trouble naming her. But I am pretty sure she is. These are some of the names I like:

Rosa - rose
Bertha - famous/bright
Simone - listening
Olympe - from Mount Olympus
Eponine - horse goddess
Pearl - obvious
Ursula - little bear
Zoelie/Zooey - life

I am pretty sure she's not a Zooey. And Pearl doesn't fit quite right. I think Ursula is great, and Rosa is lovely (and she could be named after Rosa Luxembourg!). Eponine is so sweet, but maybe a better name for a smaller instrument?? I like the meaning of Simone, and would be a lovely homage to Simone de Beauvoir but not sure about the sound of the name itself. Bertha was suggested by a friend, and at first I really liked it, but when I looked at her again I wasn't sure. Olympe is an amazing name, but quite hard to make sound nice unless you have a French accent!

So the choice at the moment is Ursula or Rosa.

I am currently leaning towards Ursula...

1 comment:

  1. I like Simone. Are you sure it's a girl? I have a friend who calls hers Monty. I tend to refer to mine as the "pain in the #@$%^" but that's probably not the best attitude to start a practice. haha Need a new name myself...I think mine's a MAN.
